Don’t Feel Guilty About Drinking Coffee

drink coffee


There are a lot of debates that go on around the world each day about drinking coffee.

So why would the most popular beverage in the world be the topic of so much chit chat?

For one thing it is because of pseudo-science, which attempts to twist anything having good effects into a negative light, outlining all of the potential downsides, and discrediting the good.

Well, you can chuck your doubts out the window ladies and gentlemen!


Because there have been tons of real scientific studies concluded on coffee and its benefits, and one thing that comes out time and time again, is that coffee is good for you!

I’m in no way advocating you drink coffee as you would the recommended daily intake of water, but a few cups throughout the day can improve your well-being and leave you a bit better off!

Still not convinced?

Here are a few reasons why coffee is just too good to be left sitting in the jar:

Coffee Can Fire Up Your Brain

There is evidence that coffee (or some type of caffeinated substances) was used since the days of Indian civilization in South America and the Caribbean, whereby warriors would consume the leaves of the cacao plant to get mentally and physically primed to do battle.

Out of all these groups, the Caribs were the most prolific warriors, and as you may have guessed, most consistent users of the cacao. In our modern day tame livelihoods, coffee can help get your brain primed to do various repetitive tasks.

So, if you job involves the tedious practice of doing the same thing over and over again, you may well become an efficient machine.

On the other hand, if your job needs you to use an intricate thought process, caffeine and coffee may provide a counterproductive buzz as you do not necessarily increase executive delegating.

In addition, if brain power is what you are after, coffee has been said to reduce your risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

It’s Said to Prolong Life

The ways in which coffee is said to prolong life are numerous and multi-faceted.

However, to put it simply, it does this by reducing your risk of chronic diseases that sap away life, such as heart disease, cancer and more.

One of the most basic purists of just about all humans is to live as long as possible, in good health.

And when it boils down to it coffee may really help you achieve this goal.

On average, coffee drinkers have a 20% reduced mortality rate compared to non-drinkers, when compared over an 18-24 year period.

Coffee Raises Your Physical Performance

One of the secret ingredients to living a long and fulfilling life is by participating in some sort of frequent exercising.

By doing this, you help keep muscles and connective tissue in good working order, so that age related changes to the bones do not negatively impair your mobility.

If you’re younger, this is really good news for you too, because it means you will be able to work out longer in the gym, translating to bigger gains to your muscle size, or extra fat loss resulting from the exercising.

Coffee Is Loaded With Nutrients

This is one many people don’t know.

Most people just assume coffee is a quick pick me up type of beverage with no real nutritional value.

However, coffee contains B-vitamins and minerals, and is actually a rich source of anti-oxidants in our everyday diet.

A Brief Word of Caution

Almost anyone who drinks it can receive benefits of some sort, although there are a few people that can and have felt anxious, jittery and unable to focus.

So don’t go mad and drink tons of the stuff if is your first experience of the drink.

But while there are possible negatives from excessive consumption, many people never experience any such symptoms.

Keep in mind, drink your coffee black or at the very least with little sugar or cream, as those added calories really can pile up.



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Rick Freeman
About Me: I am a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Certified Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor. I have also been a researcher and writer in the health, wellness and lifestyle industry for over 9 years. I'm International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) approved, CPD accredited, YMCA awards endorsed, and a husband and father to 2 beautiful daughters. My mission is to help people to take control of their health and well-being by following a healthy enjoyable lifestyle, that not only gives them the body they’ve always wanted, but helps towards living a longer, happier, disease free life.


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