Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Nutrition News

Tired all the time

Do You Find Yourself Being Tired All The Time?

  How many time over the years have you found yourself saying “I am so tired all the time, I just can’t be bothered doing anything”? If the answer is never, then you are one of...
Effects of sugar on the brain

The Effects of Sugar on the Brain

  A lot of us pile it on our cereals, spoon it into our drinks or use it to sweeten different food dishes, but do we actually understand what the effects of sugar on the...
Digestive problems

Is Your Diet Causing Digestive Problems?

Many of us are aware that the foods we eat can be a help, or a hindrance to our general health, causing various digestive problems. Despite this fact, most of us will choose not to...
Vitamin K function

Vitamin K – A Brief Scientific View

Contrary to what happens with most of the other vitamins, the term “Vitamin K” doesn’t refer to a single substance. Rather, it represents an entire family of fat-soluble molecules that share a common basic chemical...
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Is Your Food Causing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

  Have you ever considered that those irritating stomach issues which seem to come back when you least expect them might be Irritable bowel syndrome? Or have you had those shooting pains which can sometimes make...


stop acid reflux naturally

6 Vitamins to Help Stop Acid Reflux Naturally

Want to Stop Acid Reflux naturally? Do you ever get the sensation that a volcano is erupting in your chest after every meal? Or suffer that...
How to Improve Eyesight

How to Improve Eyesight | Naturally with Supplements

  Want to know how to improve eyesight with supplements? You might have heard that eating carrots is good for your eyes, right? Well, it's true that...
how to have more energy

How to Have More Energy | 6 Natural Energy Boosting Supplements

  So you want to know how to have more energy? Our bodies rely on energy to perform all of their functions. This includes everything from our...
How to sleep better

How to Sleep Better – With These 4 Natural Sleep Supplements

We all want to find out how to sleep better at one time or another, and getting proper amounts of quality sleep is crucial...
How to reduce stress and anxiety

How to Reduce Stress | and Anxiety with Supplements

  Now more than ever people are asking questions about how to reduce stress or anxiety, as they become more aware of the importance of...
How to improve your gut health

How to Improve Gut Health | Naturally with Supplements

  Problems with digestive issues has long been the brunt of many jokes. However, having to deal with the challenge of how to improve gut health...


benefits of garlic

6 Benefits of Garlic – Facts & Myths

There are many factual benefits of garlic, as well as a variety of not so factual myths. Were you aware that in ancient times, garlic...
Egg Facts

Egg Facts And Nutritional Benefits

Unless you are on some form of restrictive eating plan, breakfast will probably be your most important meal of the day. Eggs are considered to...
Dark chocolate benefits

Dark Chocolate Benefits

It is not widely known, but there are a lot of dark chocolate benefits that can be had from that little bar of guilty...
Digestive system

13 Super Foods That Can Help to Re-balance Your Digestive System

  If you could take a microscope and look into your gut, you would find that it is home to trillions of micro-organisms. This population of...


Keep our eyes healthy

We Need to Protect and Keep Our Eyes Healthy

  We only have one pair of eyes to last us our lifetime. So don’t you think it makes sense that we should do whatever it...
Keeping your brain sharp

Keeping Your Brain Sharp as You Age

  According to the experts, as we begin to creep up to the ripe old age of 50, most of us will in some way...
Slow Your Aging

Help Slow Your Aging to Combat Lifestyle Diseases

  It is important to be on a healthy eating plan no matter what age you are, but it gets even more crucial the older...
Foods that cause wrinkles

Foods That Cause Wrinkles and Make Your Face Appear Older

  If someone sat you down and told you what foods were going to make you age faster, would you make the effort to avoid...
why aging people need vitamin D

Why Our Aging Population Needs Vitamin D

  Older members of the population, who have found themselves either stuck in the home or hospitalized for any extended period of time, will more...
Cruciferous Vegetables

Eat Cruciferous Vegetables the Anti-Aging Superfoods

  If you are looking for great a source of foods that are chock full of antioxidant plant compounds to help you try to slow...




How to reverse type 2 diabetes

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes | Ways to do it...

There is a question that is cropping up a lot lately, which is “does anyone know how to reverse type 2 diabetes?” And there are...
what is a sugar crash

What is a Sugar Crash?

The amount of energy we have available to get us through the day relies a lot on our blood sugar levels. Having stable blood glucose...
How to lower blood sugar

How to Lower Blood Sugar | Naturally without Medication

​Why is it that our bodies have glucose or sugar in our blood naturally, but we end up having to find ways on how...
Manage your blood sugar levels

Tips on How to Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels

  It’s no secret that in order to ensure you have a healthy mind and body, you need to make sure you are eating a...
Type 2 diabetes dangers

Do You Know About the Type 2 Diabetes Dangers?

​ When you are initially given a type 2 diabetes diagnosis, the doctor is basically saying to you that your blood sugar levels are extremely...