Tips on How to Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels

Manage your blood sugar levels


It’s no secret that in order to ensure you have a healthy mind and body, you need to make sure you are eating a healthy diet.

Well the same is true if you want to manage your blood sugar levels.

If your doctor has told you that you have diabetes, or even pre diabetes, then you should have also been informed that whatever foods you eat, are going to have an impact on your blood sugar levels.

On top of that, you should also have been told that the quantity you eat and when you eat it will have an effect on your glucose levels, along with the importance of the combinations of the foods.

Here are some important general tips to help you manage your blood sugar levels with your diet.

Not all Sugars are Created Equally

If you have been suffering from blood sugar issues for a while, then you will probably have noticed that you hear the word sugar all the time.

There should be two factors to take into consideration when you are looking at the sugar you are eating.

They are: the total volume of sugar that is being consumed, and the ratio of sugar in the meal.

Also the percentage of total food consumed in that meal that is sugar or simple carbs.

It is this ratio that GI or glycemic index seeks to measure.

The amount and type of sugar eaten in any one meal makes a significant difference to blood sugar levels.

There are people around that don’t find it difficult at all to eat a dozen doughnuts covered with sugar, then wash it all down with a large glass of their favorite soft drink, but on the other hand can find it really hard to eat a couple of apples and follow it with a glass of water.

The apples and the doughnuts both happen to contain sugar.

The major difference is the apples have their sugar content combined with a fair amount of fiber.

This slows the rate of how the sugar is broken down and absorbed into the blood stream it so does not cause a major sugar spike.

The amount of sugar from the doughnuts that floods into the blood stream increases at a much faster rate than that of the apples.

There by setting you up for a massive sugar spike, followed by the well-known crash.

Balanced Meals are Mega Important

Foods that are packed with sugar and contain little protein fats and fiber, will be absorbed immediately into the bloodstream thereby causing the levels of blood sugar to surge and then drop soon afterwards, a bit like being on a roller coaster.

To make sure that you maintain balanced blood sugar levels, eat foods that contain healthy fats, are high in protein, with complex carbohydrates and fiber.

Your body will be able to properly use these foods for energy, and you won’t experience those dreaded spikes and dips.

By eating balanced meals you also learn how to lower blood sugar levels.

Don’t Eat Sugar Rich Foods on an Empty Stomach

An important tip you want to remember is to never eat sugar rich foods before you have eaten anything else.

If you choose to eat something sweet, make sure you to do it after a good healthy, balanced meal.

If you already have protein, fiber and or healthy fats in your stomach, you will less likely suffer from a sugar spike by eating that sugary thing.

The protein, fiber and fats will help slow down sugar from entering the blood stream.

With eating on an empty stomach however, the digestive enzymes have no other target to aim for and will therefore digest the junk food and dump all the sugar in your bloodstream.

But keep in mind, it doesn’t mean that you have a green light for you to over indulge in cakes and treats just because you’ve been good with your main meal.

For maximum health and blood sugar benefits, not having sweet stuff or a dessert is still a better option.

Regard Simple Carbs and Sugars as Your Arch Enemy

If you are like a lot of people who have difficulty in managing their blood sugar levels, you should treat simple carbohydrates and sugars as your arch enemy.

This might help make it a bit easier for you to avoid simple sugar in all its forms.

Try not to fall into the trap of allowing yourself to just have a small amount thinking “oh it can’t do any harm”, because this can sometimes lead to adding that little bit more, and before you know it you are back on the sugar spike roller coaster.

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Rick Freeman
About Me: I am a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Certified Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor. I have also been a researcher and writer in the health, wellness and lifestyle industry for over 9 years. I'm International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) approved, CPD accredited, YMCA awards endorsed, and a husband and father to 2 beautiful daughters. My mission is to help people to take control of their health and well-being by following a healthy enjoyable lifestyle, that not only gives them the body they’ve always wanted, but helps towards living a longer, happier, disease free life.


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