Saturday, July 27, 2024
Boost your intake of antioxidants

5 Ways to Boost Your Antioxidant Intake

  If you have been through some of the antioxidant articles here on Epigen Nutrition, you will know that they are definitely something that you...
How to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

How to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally | Using 5 Supplements

  In many parts of the world today, having high cholesterol seems to be a common health problem. And it’s unfortunate that this condition does not...
Nutrition facts

Nutrition Facts – The Basic Stuff You Need to Know

I’m often asked by friends, family or clients about nutritional facts, and when I give an explanation along the lines of what I tell...
vitamin D foods list

Vitamin D Foods List – Discover the 7 Best Sources

Vitamin D also known as calciferol is a fat soluble vitamin that can help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus which are...
Benefits of antioxidants

4 Benefits of Antioxidants in Your Diet

  You hear a lot from all sorts of people about how you should be including antioxidants into your daily diet, because they are really...
healthy eating for children

A Healthy Eating Guideline for Children

  Although we should all be taking responsibility for the food that we are putting into our bodies, it is also just as important that...
Vitamin D Overdose

Vitamin D Overdose -The Dangers of Vitamin D Toxicity

Overdosing on vitamin D, otherwise known as hypervitaminosis D is a fairly rare but serious condition of abnormally high storage levels of vitamin D...

What Are High Fiber Foods? – The Benefits of Eating Dietary...

  Have you ever noticed how often we are told that we need to eat more fiber rich foods? And although some of us do take...

Can Antioxidants Protect Against Cancer?

  A big benefit that is derived from taking antioxidants is that they can help in reducing your cancer risk. But, in order to enjoy that...
Carbohydrate deficiency

Carbohydrate Deficiency Are You at Risk?

  A lot of the talks you hear about these days concerning carbs are mainly about what having too much of them can do to...