6 Best Supplements to Lower High Blood Pressure

Lowering high blood pressure


Our blood pressure changes throughout the day, depending on what we happen to be doing.

Regular habits, especially our unhealthy ones, can also have an effect on what our blood pressure reading will show.

If it fluctuates too much and becomes unstable, that’s when potential health problems will start to kick in.

Our blood pressure, actually refers to the amount of pressure of blood that flows through our arteries.

If there are any blockages, or it flows too fast or too slow, then chances are there’s going to be problems that follow.

Hypertension, or having blood pressure that is continuously higher than normal, is a medical condition that can increase the risk of heart disease and even premature death.



The amount of people who have high blood pressure worldwide is quite astonishing!

With the main cause coming mostly from diet and lifestyle.

These two factors have a major influence on our blood pressure levels.

For example, not getting enough physical activity and obesity, along with unhealthy habits such as smoking, can all increase our blood pressure levels.

The good news is, that it can be prevented and you have the chance to fix it.

However, first and foremost, you’ve  got to make healthy lifestyle changes.

And in addition you can also take supplements as part of your new plan to increase your chances of success.

Here are 6 supplements that can help to lower high blood pressure.


A mineral that is vital to our overall health is potassium.

And one of its functions is lowering blood pressure.

As it helps to lower high blood pressure, it also helps in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Potassium regulates blood pressure efficiently, by helping to release sodium through our urine, and doctors have linked high sodium levels to high blood pressure.

Potassium can also help in relaxing the walls of blood vessels which leads to lowering blood pressure.

Dietary Fiber

Upping our fiber intake is becoming a popular natural way to lower blood pressure.

It also helps in lowering high cholesterol levels, and has many other benefits too.

Taking a fiber supplement in either a pill or powder form, such as psyllium or methylcellulose, is a safe way to increase your fiber intake if you don’t eat enough fiber-rich foods.

Just make sure you mix or take these with an adequate amount of water.


Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for a variety of bodily functions, including regulating our blood pressure.

It works by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels to allow a better flow of blood.

Magnesium can help in preventing hypertension (high blood pressure) and assist in lowering high blood sugar levels.

The results of starting to take magnesium are not immediate, but regardless of how long it takes, magnesium is a nutrient we all need for optimal health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s are nutrients that are essential in keeping our body functioning well.

This nutrient has got to be one of the top supplements that are available today.

Because it can help with so many of our everyday health problems.

Among its functions is keeping blood vessels healthy and lowering high blood pressure.

Fish oil, which is a great omega-3 provider, is also beneficial to heart health in general, as it can help lower blood lipid levels and inflammation, reducing the risk of heart disease.

As well as fish oil, krill oil, cod liver oil and flaxseeds are also high in omega-3s.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are a group of vitamins that help in a variety of processes within the body.

Some of the B vitamins, specifically folic acid and riboflavin, are beneficial in helping to reduce blood pressure levels.

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, may help with blood pressure, particularly among people diagnosed with heart disease.


Garlic has long been shown to be an effective natural supplement for improving heart health, including regulating blood pressure.

Although, it has been shown to be more effective for people that already have elevated readings of blood pressure.

Taking supplements is an excellent way to manage blood pressure levels and improve overall health.

However, be mindful that increasing your supplement intake is just one way to do this.

By practicing a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your blood pressure, and consequently your risk for developing other life-threatening diseases.




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